0086 13586807980  info@xinyanglemon.asia


Fresh lemon-138 model (103-115g/piece)

  • Product ID:PRODUCTS
  • QQ:676486484
  • Phone: 0086 13586807980(Ms.Zhou)0086 15308379987(Mr.Jiang)
  • WhatsApp: 0086 13586807980
  • Email: info@xinyanglemon.asia

Fresh lemon-138 model (103-115g/piece)

Nutrition, function and application range of lemon:

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, citric acid, malic acid, etc. Moderate consumption 

can supplement nutrition for the human body, improve appetite, promote digestion, improve body immunity, 

and prevent cardiovascular disease.Lemon has the functions of promoting body fluid, quenching thirst, removing

 heat, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

In addition, lemon also has a strong antioxidant effect, which is very effective in delaying aging and inhibiting 

pigmentation. It has a therapeutic effect on bronchitis, rhinitis, urinary tract infection, etc., and has the effect

 of stabilizing pregnancy and stopping vomiting.

The citric acid in lemon is an important raw material for making lemon balm, moisturizer and shampoo; citric 

acid can also be made into lemon soda; in addition, it is also used as a cooking seasoning, rich in nutrition, 

and has therapeutic value. It is mostly processed into beverages, juices, cakes, jams, candied fruits, canned foods, etc.

Lemon fruit contains 7.4‰ oil. Lemon essential oil is a second-class natural essential oil, which is often used

 to produce premium flavors for high-end foods, cosmetics, and beverages. It is also the main raw material for

 producing limonene, an important drug for the treatment of gallstones. Lemon pectin is an important raw material 

for the food, pharmaceutical, and textile industries.




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QQ: 676486484

Phone: 0086 13586807980

WhatsApp: 0086 13586807980

Email: info@xinyanglemon.asia

Add: Group 4, Daqiao Village, Longtai Town, Anyue County, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province .China